Tuesday, February 22, 2005


and that haze made us dizzy.
made us sick.
made us sick.
made us sick.
made us sick.
made us sick.
made us sick.

and tdae he wore spect..
made me & gina go 'YAH YAH YAH!!'
ah. look nice.
nice nice.

feel like going for a movie marathon.

accounting made me feel like pulling all my hair out!!!

chups : eh ur test paper wat color ah?
me : green
chups : huh?! got green meh?
me : no green meh?
chups : BLUE LAH!
*me roll on the floor*

i tot my test paper is GREEN when all along it is BLUE.

but i like the time BEFORE the acc test.
we were sitting around, chatting & laughing
and eating ICE-CREAM! *lick*
leo. soul. fat4!
fun. fun. fun. fun.
talk from accounting to everything under the sun.

the thought of holidays perks me up.