Saturday, December 13, 2008

Awesome picnic day today at ECP ;)
Although the carrying drinks part with lynnster 要了我们的命 HAHA, but our 推孕妇进产房 acting scene was TOO FUNNY! bth sia, it's all in our blood man!

Everything seem exceptionally beautiful today :}
The sea, sun and even the sand! (but maybe not the prawn we saw at Bedok Jetty HAHAHA!)
It have been really long time since I cycled, and enjoyed the breeze! SHIOK!

Cycling Lover Bike with lynn almost make me laugh till burst, BTH! I think the both of us cannot stop laughing HAHA!
But she and gina cycling up the slope one also damn funny oi! HAHAHAHHA! I already takboleh tahan sia! HAHAHAH!

AND WE PLAYED FRISBEE HOR GINA, why u left that out in your blog! :(
Saw some really cute dogs - doggie wearing shoes, really tiny chiwawa, handsome jack russell, and fat dog HAHA!

AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love picnics!