Friday, April 20, 2007

No, i have not abandon my blog!
that's why i am back here!

MYM, BIT Night -- that day that brought back so much fond memories..

we had all worked so hard; for this day!
the day to showcase our work to the public!
there were so many nicely decorated booths!!

so we were busy entertaining the guests etc (and at the same time entertaining ourselves)
and so i fastforward to the BUFFET WOOOOOO

delicious food, fabulous people -- what more can you ask for?

and of course, who could miss out photo shoots?
aw, seeing all these photos.. make me wanna tear a little :(
i miss all of you!

These are the people i held close to my heart;
i love all of you!

Esp FAT4, rachael, ah mian, matthew, jason, Q2!

aw, i don't i can continue with BIT night, you know.. feeling very emotional!

10years down the road..
will we still remember each other?
will we still say 'hello' when we bump in each other on the road?
will we still sit down and laugh ourselves silly?

awwwwwwwwwwwwww :(

till then..