Saturday, November 26, 2005

Despite the crazy workload from school,
it's always good to find time & spend your weekends with your friends instead of your tutorials.

chups, lynn and me intended to go fly kite today at the beach;
but Ms. Gina told us it's raining & go her house instead.
hahah her parents are cool cause they can tahan our "kill chicken" style of singing ar.
we sing alot of christmas songs.. hahahahah MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

click for larger view!

hahah it's always great to have friends like fat4 :)

we all rolled on gina's bed, played all sort of crazy games with evangeline & laughed at gina's last time photos!
got 1 very jin bao. hahah HER HAIR :x

and of course we went to fly kite!!!!

the kite went real high up into the sky!!
and that is lynn's minnie mouse kite! hahaha
sorry ar lynn! we got ur string all entangled tgt!!

and while we were trying to save the string..
we ended up playing games together with gina's 2 sisters - leona and evangeline!
hahahah very funny lah.
we are all young at heart :)

and i hope all our troubles & problems will be taken away by the kite..
away.. away.. up.. up.. into the sky..