Saturday, November 21, 2015

What happens when you lost the passion?
I think I need to go and do some searching...

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Hello, and goodbye.
Doing things at my own pace, staying in (to just watch tv lol) and making last minute changes. All these are not quite possible if travelling with another pax.
Of cause nothing is 100% perfect, but it is good enough for me at that point of time.

Even though there are people who told me it's quite wasted (when I didn't do some of the things, go some of the places or eat some of the food); I don't go overseas and try to do 1001 things and tire myself out at the end of the day.
I need to remind myself that words can only affect me when I allow it to.

A good break, time to plan for the next one.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

你给的, 都是你自己认为是对我好的。

Sunday, August 16, 2015

More than often, people tend to take another person for granted, e.g.: that person will settle everything... that person will go talk and arrange everything nicely... that person will usually lend money if you ask... that person don't quite mind if you take albeit long to return the money, that person will understand... that person will this, that person will that.
Yes, that person is me, and I fully understand that I am the sole reason for why all these are happening - because I allow all that to happen. Brb while I go stab my own thigh.

I think I have done enough. I wanna say goodbye and take a break.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Doing some research for the TW trip AND I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Feeling little bubbles of excitement when I was looking through other people's itinerary hahah. LEGGO!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

And in the end 我们比陌生人还陌生...


Saturday, May 16, 2015

Holding this little bundle of joy... makes one feel at ease :)

Thank you for coming into this world. It might not be a prefect world, but we all hope you will see beauty in all imperfections.
Hugs and kisses from all those who already love you lots, even before you're out. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Need to have better control of my own emotions.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

They say - when you set your heart to do something, it will eventually work out.
And yes, I did it! :)
Booked my flight to TW a few weeks back; approximately 7 more months to go! Feeling excited already :D

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Don't love blindly, don't hate blindly.

Monday, March 16, 2015

As the years go by, you realize that what you reap will never be equal to what you sow. Never.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

a screaming competition every single night.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

throwing back to 16 Jan, happy 3rd year to myself in my current workplace :)

Sail on xy!

Saturday, January 03, 2015


I started having this blog in March 2004, and now, ten years down the road already! Reading some of my past posts is rather.. entertaining I must say! HAHA!

In Dec 2013 when I was recapping for the year, I wrote "...aiming to make the TW trip happen next year!!" and yes, I REALLY DID!!

I had a good year in 2014 - did things and went places that I always wanted to, did things that's good for my well-being and of course have wonderful friends by my side :)

So this year, I wish that in 2015, I will have a solo trip - and yes, it would probably be TW (again hahah). May all goes well and hope I believe that I CAN DO IT!

Here we go again... a small recap for this year (yet again, with the help from photos I posted in FB lol):-

Ended 2013 and kick start my 2014 with my fabulous fat4!!

We had Dominos (secret sauce!!), topped up with lots of laughters!
At the strike of 12, after wishing each other HAPPY NEW YEAR, we went home after that cause we were yawning non-stop!! Young at heart but cannot deny that we can barely stay awake for too long :p

We had the cleanest lo-hei ever! Instead of yusheng, we're creative enough to go with bak kwa, 猪你新年快乐!

One of my happiest lo-hei for 2014 too - because of the people. Understand that people and environment will change eventually, but never know it can change so much over a span of one year.


I love love love this CNY cookies! Big fat thanks to Irene for giving me a packet for my own consumption this year!!!!

Yet another happy lo-hei + KTV session with you all (anyway it is always 我点歌, 你们唱 LOL!!)

Stand up stand up for steamboat at Bao's house!

Attended Hazel's beautiful wedding and am glad to be part of her polaroid camera team!!

Ending Feb with... being the official bridesmaid for Kental's wedding!!!!!!!!!


I did something that I wanted to do 6 years ago. But as the saying goes - better late than never. At least I spent 6 years thinking it through and I know what I have now is close to my heart - never grow up. Having and retaining a child-like thinking and "acting" like a kid some times is good - don't complicate things and have a bit more 纯真 in life!!

Anddddd here we gooooo! Off to Krabi!!! BIG THANKS to Bao and Judy - for asking me along for this trip! It was a beautiful and memorable one :)

Beautiful travel buddies, beautiful sea, beautiful Krabi *hearts*

Random gatherings with them is always fun fun fun!!

Celebrating 10 years of friendship, and many more years to come!!!

*BIG HUGS!!!!!!!!!*

Jason is back to SG once again!!!! And glad that everyone made the effort to gather together for the dinner! :)

Meet up with long lost fishy!!! one EK on heartbeat!! hahah

Had a go in doing my own terrarium too, together with Lisa and Choon Teck!

Mine is the middle one... and unfortunately plant also like owner - shortest of them all! AHHAH!!


Luckily we only did some mildly insane things.. such as wearing our animal onesie and walk all over the place... that's all.. AHHAHA

June is FUN FILLED month!! Lots of exciting happenings!!

Went for my first ever 10km run, never thought I can even finish it - because jog and me seldom cross path!!

Waking up 4am for a jog is crazy, but the adrenaline rush you get when you ran past the finishing point - I think it's all worth it :)

We challenged our patience at the Trick Eye Museum... many many hours of waiting, 50% off and OVER THE TOP POSES!


Am thankful that I can be part of Hayati's wedding :')

Happy that our dear girl found her happiness and in 2015, we will welcome a new addition to the family too!!

We said goodbye to someone important. More than just a boss, she is our friend.
Lots of changes, lots of secret and not-so-secret talks and some awkward lunch times. So this is it.


Good food, great company :)

One of the best thing that happened in Aug - 开花了 :)

Our yearly Hari Raya visiting!

Cheesy smiles all around :D

Then we went BAKKKK AMMMMM!!!! Jeep-ing our mouth, reborn after the massage at Reborn (haha), and sweeping stuffs off the shelves at the hypermart - SHIOK!

I FINALLY WENT BKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and found my coconut ice-cream!

I know, very suaku right! Grow so big never go BKK before! Haha, at least I finally set my foot there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THEN... my beloved happy pills celebrated PA day for me!!

I then went to a beautiful place - Montigo :)

This place stole a piece of my heart. Although the facilities is not fantastic and it is slightly on the pricey side, I actually like the quietness and every other things :)
Aside from that, of course the company counts too!

Most anticipated month of 2014!!!! Thank you CT for agreeing to go Taiwan with me!!!!

Waited for the first ray to be out in the cold, BUT IT IS WORTH IT!!!

Love love love almost everything there... if only the weather can be slightly colder.
Never mind, I WILL BE BACK!!!!

Actually I was feeling really blue when I come back from the Taiwan trip... but on the first day back to work, they surprised me with this:

A really beautiful (and expensive!!!) lychee martini cake!

Happy birthday to myself :o)

This Christmas, FAT4 reunite once again!

And among all the gifts I received this Christmas, this touches my heart the most :)

"Anchored for life. Never be afraid to sail as far as you can, because we'll always be each other's anchor. Always be best friends."

And so, I spent my Christmas Eve, Christmas, NYE and New Year quietly - and unfortunately out of the 2 PH, I spent a significant amount of time going back to office to work hahaha...


Started off the recap at 3pm... and now IT IS ALREADY 8pm O-M-G.
Time flies!!

In 2014, I want to thank the universe for all the safe trips I had, all the love everyone give me and the stable job I am still in now.
I am glad that I spent quality time with my friends and myself. I am definitely not someone who's easy to love, so thank you to those who are still sticking around with me.

Someone told me I used the word "friends" a bit too loosely - some of the people at work are just colleagues.
Friends are those I will meet outside work for dinner and whatnots, those I will message stuffs that's not pertaining to work and of course those who will still be in contact even after you/them leave the company.
With that, I think I found at least 2 of them - thank you guys for all the 高峰会议, all the random outings to find waffles/pancakes/ice-cream and of course being truthful enough to say honest stuffs to each other (haha).
Hoping our friendship will go a long long way, and will still continue regardless of who leaves first.

Reading my past entries in 2014, I realized I wrote quite a number of sad ones... I think this is the only place I will come to pen down these kind of thoughts because I know not much people is still reading this blog! hahahha

Last but not least, I hope 2015 will be nice and smooth sailing - not just for me, but for everyone around me. :)