Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Life is such a joke.
Yes, I was disappointed cause I was so sure I can get it. Alas, it was gone; merely hours before my turn.

没缘就忘了吧。Apparently 没鱼虾也好 cannot be applied to everything haha...

Monday, September 16, 2019

Slightly more than a month later, I flipped the decision that was handed to me on a plate (and semi-forced down) lol.
Though shaken but things are back to square 1; at least on the surface. However, it just made me realized why I was sort of swayed in the first place. People managing you does play a big part. Every now and then give stun and prata to see and eat :)

Oh, something else happened late last month and it's gonna be another big decision that I've to make. How can people be so sure? I feel like I am always in doubt of myself.

Too much what ifs. Too much doubts, too little faith... in myself.

Wednesday, August 07, 2019

I am back! Realized the older I get, the lesser I post things about myself/what's happening to/around me online.

Many a time, nothing much excites me. Jaded liao. I made a decision last year and something flipped and it is gonna steer my next 2 years in another direction. Good luck to myself! 是我优柔寡断 or I simply don't have a mind of my own?

Friday, March 02, 2018

钱真难赚! When no choice is exactly given and seeking for your opinions is just for 问问而已~

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Why is it that when you know it's wrong, you still plunge in and do it anyway?
Humans. Crazy crazy human.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Seoul exciting, here I come!
After much hesitation, I guess it is really... JUST DO IT!

But before that, looking forward to my mini break, less than 2 weeks to go!

And then after that, Heaven of all Heavens...
Please be good and don't disappoint~~~~~

Saturday, January 16, 2016

If you can't even reach at 5.30pm, please do not ask everyone else to meet at 5pm.
Many times bitten but I never learn my lesson.
For the remaining months in 2016 and thereafter, I will not waste my life waiting for other people.

If you don't respect my time, don't expect me to respect you.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

What happens when you lost the passion?
I think I need to go and do some searching...

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Hello, and goodbye.
Doing things at my own pace, staying in (to just watch tv lol) and making last minute changes. All these are not quite possible if travelling with another pax.
Of cause nothing is 100% perfect, but it is good enough for me at that point of time.

Even though there are people who told me it's quite wasted (when I didn't do some of the things, go some of the places or eat some of the food); I don't go overseas and try to do 1001 things and tire myself out at the end of the day.
I need to remind myself that words can only affect me when I allow it to.

A good break, time to plan for the next one.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

你给的, 都是你自己认为是对我好的。